Exploring the Diverse Hindi Dialects: A Comprehensive Guide

Language is the attire of thoughts– Dr. Johnson A civilization grows and prospers when its people learn a new language. Out of all the languages in the world, Hindi is one of the most ancient languages. It has the maximum dialect variations you can imagine. With the regional and social variations co-existing, Hindi is the… Continue reading Exploring the Diverse Hindi Dialects: A Comprehensive Guide

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Hindi Numbers 1 to 100 

Learning to speak, read, or write in Hindi can confuse non-native speakers. But don’t let your confusion take over your abilities to master the language. Learning the Hindi numbers is as important as knowing the Hindi alphabet. They might look daunting, but a little effort and patience from your end will make you an expert… Continue reading Hindi Numbers 1 to 100 

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Difference Between Arabic and Hindi

Do you know there are 14 words for “love” in Arabic? Yeah, it’s pretty awesome. But, if you’re thinking Arabic is the only versatile language, then you’re wrong. Even Hindi has plenty of words for love. Both languages have their individuality and distinctiveness. That’s why, people find it very confusing to pick a side in… Continue reading Difference Between Arabic and Hindi

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Beginner’s Guide to Hindi Verbs – क्रिया क्या होते है?

I was ———— Book. He ———— to Seattle. Did any of these make sense to you?  No, right? While you may assume some action is being done, you can’t be sure unless someone specifies. This isn’t just the case in English Grammar, it is an integral part of Hindi grammar as well. And it is… Continue reading Beginner’s Guide to Hindi Verbs – क्रिया क्या होते है?

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Ultimate Guide to Adjective in Hindi | Exercise For Practice Included

नमस्कार बंधुओ। Try describing something without highlighting its specialties or recognizing features. It’s tough, right? It’s very difficult to describe an object, a person, or a thing without mentioning its features. This is where concepts like adjectives come into play; they make communication easier and more precise. And much like English grammar, Hindi grammar has… Continue reading Ultimate Guide to Adjective in Hindi | Exercise For Practice Included

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Ultimate Guide to Pronoun in Hindi | Exercise for Practice Included

In English language, it took centuries to think about gender-neutral pronouns. It’s 2022 and most of us are still struggling to use English pronouns without discriminating against any genders. But, guess what? Most Hindi speakers have been using gender-neutral pronouns since a long time. As Hindi learners, you must be proud that Hindi has gender-neutral pronouns… Continue reading Ultimate Guide to Pronoun in Hindi | Exercise for Practice Included

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Ins and Outs of Hindi Grammar: Your Ultimate Guide

We know that language is an essential medium for expressing your thoughts and opinions with others. Even though Hindi is rich with many dialects, it’s best to learn the commonly spoken, standard tongue. To do that, you must begin by learning the Hindi alphabet (varnamala). Once you’ve mastered the varnamala, only then, you can move… Continue reading Ins and Outs of Hindi Grammar: Your Ultimate Guide

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