Finger Abacus: Learn the Technique to Calculate Faster 

Is your kid struggling with math? Are they confused in simple mathematical operations? Well, if that’s the scenario, you must check out finger abacus techniques. These techniques are as quick and efficient as an abacus, but the perk is that you only need your fingers. That’s all! With finger abacus formulae, your kid can calculate… Continue reading Finger Abacus: Learn the Technique to Calculate Faster 

Difference Between Vedic Math & Abacus – Which One’s for You

“Why do children dread mathematics? Because of the wrong approach. Because it is looked at as a subject.” – Shakuntala Devi aka the “Human-Computer”. Did you hate mathematics when you were in school? What if I told you that math wasn’t that bad, but it was the teaching method? Yes, when you are learning something,… Continue reading Difference Between Vedic Math & Abacus – Which One’s for You