Did you know abacus can enhance cognitive thinking in children? It also reduces the chances of dementia in older people. Besides cognitive thinking, using an abacus also has several other benefits. Anyway, it’s not the benefits that parents are worried about; most of them are confused about which abacus to use. I get it. Considering… Continue reading Understanding the Different Types of Abacus
Tag: soroban
Rekenrek vs Abacus (Danish): Which is Better?
Abacus, Soroban, Suanpan, Rekenrek, Danish Abacus–so many names and abaci! I know it’s confusing. With all the varieties of counting devices and different types of the abacus, it’s understandable that you, as a parent, are confused and worried. And if you are an adult who is starting out on learning abacus, then I can completely… Continue reading Rekenrek vs Abacus (Danish): Which is Better?
Who Invented the Abacus: A Brief History
Did you know the Romans used Abacus to calculate taxes? In the recent times, the abacus is used to teach counting and basics of mathematics because of its scientifically proven benefits and toy-like appeal to children. However, according to the history of the abacus, an abacus wasn’t always a counting device for children. It was… Continue reading Who Invented the Abacus: A Brief History