Who Invented the Abacus: A Brief History 

Did you know the Romans used Abacus to calculate taxes?  In the recent times, the abacus is used to teach counting and basics of mathematics because of its scientifically proven benefits and toy-like appeal to children. However, according to the history of the abacus, an abacus wasn’t always a counting device for children. It was… Continue reading Who Invented the Abacus: A Brief History 

9 Unknown Benefits of Playing Guitar

Learning to play any instrument, especially guitar, is itself an added score to your charm. Didn’t you go awestruck seeing John Petrucci playing ‘Glasgow Kiss’ for the first time? Chilling, right? Apart from being in the limelight of any party, there are numerous benefits of playing guitar that you have never thought of. The great… Continue reading 9 Unknown Benefits of Playing Guitar

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What is the Right Age to Start Learning Abacus?

Raise a hand if you ever guiltily wished your child was a prodigy? I know, we all did! Sometimes it’s the spelling bee competition, and sometimes, it’s the local art fest; there are moments when you wish your child was a born Einstein. Math is every parent’s favorite subject to push on their kids. In… Continue reading What is the Right Age to Start Learning Abacus?

Is Abacus Good For Your Child? Or Is it Just All Hype?

Let me tell you a story. My nephew was in 5th grade when my sister and her husband decided to move to the USA. Although a bright, curious child, my nephew struggled with mathematics. I am saying bright because he was unbelievable in some very difficult hobbies. He beat my father in chess and also… Continue reading Is Abacus Good For Your Child? Or Is it Just All Hype?

8 Amazing Benefits of Learning Abacus

Taking the first step of education is always overwhelming, especially for the parents. When it comes to mathematics, it’s harder than one thinks. But, hey, dear readers, if you know how to teach math using an Abacus, you are already halfway to completing your mission in mathematics. A parent often ponders: what is the next… Continue reading 8 Amazing Benefits of Learning Abacus