How to Setup Chess Board: Step-by-Step Guide 

How to Setup Chess Board: Step-by-Step Guide 

Chess board setup is the foundation of every game, yet many chess coaches and instructors skip directly to teaching tactics and opening strategies. They often assume beginners already know the basics of chess learning.

However, I believe otherwise—while understanding the pieces and their moves comes easily, proper training on how to set up the chess board is crucial. As Bobby Fischer famously said, "Chess is a war over the board…". Dear readers, without mastering the correct setup of the board, how can one aspire to become a professional chess player?

How to Setup a Chess Board?

1. Learn the Names of Pieces

Can you imagine a child reading without learning alphabets?  Nope, right? Learning the names of chess pieces is as important as learning alphabets before reading.

In chess games, there are 6 chess pieces with unique names.

  1. King     ♔♚

  2. Queen ♕♛

  3. Bishop  ♗♝

  4. Knight  ♘♞

  5. Rook     ♖♜

  6. Pawn    ♙♟

As you already know, there are two colors (for two players) in chess–black and white. For each player, there is 1 King, 1 Queen, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights, 2 Rooks, and 8 Pawns in their own color. It's either black or white.

2. Place the Chess Board in Correct Alignment Trust

Chess enthusiasts, so much so depends on correctly placing the board before setting it up. Therefore, I suggest checking the alignment before setting the chess board.

Always begin by checking the squares on the extreme right of the players before setting up the chessboard.

place chess board in correct alignment
Place Chess Board in Correct Alignment
this is how you set up chess baord
This is How You Set up Chess Baord

Remember, the white square on row 1 must fall on the right-hand side of player 1, who's playing White. Similarly, the white square on row 8 must fall on the right-hand side of player 2, who's playing Black.

3. Set the Pawns On the Board

Did you know pawns were called baidaq/paizada back in the 9th century AD in Persia? Baidaq or paizada means foot soldiers. As chess was the kings' game, it was designed based on the real battlefield position.  

During the ancient days, foot soldiers always took the front position in the war. Likewise, pawns take the frontal position in chess. Set the white pawns on the second and black pawns on the seventh row.

How Does a Pawn Move in Chess?
How Does a Pawn Move in Chess?
How Does a Pawn Move in Chess

4. Place Rooks in the Corner

Chess originated in India. Later, it traveled through Sicily and Spain to the western world.

Did you know Rook chess piece is called "Tower" in Italian? In the olden days, the towers or castles safeguarded a kingdom during an attack. Therefore, when setting up Rooks on the chess board, they are placed in the corner squares on the chessboard.

put rooks in corner - set up chess board
Put Rooks In Corner - Set Up Chess Board

Place the white Rooks on a1 and h1 and the black Rooks on a8 and h8.

5. Place the Knights Beside the Rooks Mikhail

Tal famously said, "Fischer is Fischer, but a knight is a knight!" I am sure the eighth world chess champion must have considered Knight very valuable to say something like this.

place knights besides the rooks
Place Knights Besides The Rooks

Place the Knights besides the Rooks of their own colors. The White Knights will go on b1 and g1. Similarly, the black Knights will sit on b8 and g8. Additional info: learn two knights' endgame to make the most of your knights.

How Does a Knight Move in Chess?
How Does a Knight Move in Chess? 
How Does a Knight

6. Bring the Bishops Next to the Knights

bishops next to knights
Bishops Next To Knights

Place the Bishops next to the Knights of their corresponding colors. The white Bishops will go to c1 and f1, and the black Bishops will go to c8 and f8. Bishops are like Demi-Queens. They can move diagonally as far as you want if the pathway is clear.

Try to learn about Bishop's opening to learn more about this piece. Some of its variations are Berlin's Defense, Hungarian Defense, Philidor Counterattack, and Calabrese Countergambit, etc.

Check out EnthuZiastic Chess Classes for a personalized Chess learning experience.

7. Place Queens on their Own Colors

Knights are cavalry, bishops are archers, rooks are cannons, and queens are wizards— Jacob Aagaard. As a matter of fact, modern chess began with the "mad Queen." In medieval chess, Queens moved only for 2 squares, both in diagonal and straight pathways.

Later, people began to move the Queen without any restriction of squares. After this radical shift, the Queen was popularly referred to as the mad Queen.

set up queens next
Set Up Queens Next

Place the white Queen on d1 and the black Queen on d8. To check if the Queens are set in the right place, see if they are sitting on their colors. The white Queen must be sitting on a white square, and the black Queen must be sitting on a black square.

I suggest every beginner first learn Queen's gambit, and then Queen's gambit declined strategies. Remember, Queens are wizards of the chess game.

How Does Queen Move in Chess?
How Does Queen Move in Chess? 
How Does Queens Move in Chess

8. Put King Beside its Queen

Place the white King on e1 and the black King on e8.

set king beside queen - how to set up chess board game
Set King Beside Queen

Remember, although Kings move only one square, they are the heads of a chess game. You may capture as many opponent pieces as you want, but it's checkmate if you fail to protect your tallest piece–the King.

Additional info: The King's Pawn game with e4 is one of the most played chess openings. It can lead to Sicilian Defense, Alekhine's Defense, Scandinavian Defense, etc.

How Does a King Move in Chess?
How Does a King Move in Chess? 
How Does a King Moves
learning chess
Learning Chess
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Setting up a chessboard is the first baby step as a chess player. Even though it seems a simple step, it's utterly important to learn how to set up chess board correctly. Dear beginners, I hope I have helped you with learning how to set the chess pieces on a chessboard.

You can also check out this video to visualize the instructions on the board. If you have any confusion or want to add anything, please feel free to add it in the comments section. Till then, stay happy and keep playing chess.


1. How do I set up a chess board correctly?

To set up a chess board correctly, follow these steps:

  • Place the board so that each player has a white square in the bottom-right corner.

  • Position the rooks in the corners, then place the knights next to them.

  • Follow with the bishops, putting them next to the knights.

  • The queen is placed on her color square (white queen on white, black queen on black).

  • Finally, position the king on the remaining square next to the queen.

  • Place all pawns in the row in front of the other pieces.

2. What are the correct positions for each chess piece?

Each piece has a designated starting position:

  • Rooks: A1 & H1 for White; A8 & H8 for Black

  • Knights: B1 & G1 for White; B8 & G8 for Black

  • Bishops: C1 & F1 for White; C8 & F8 for Black

  • Queens: D1 for White; D8 for Black

  • Kings: E1 for White; E8 for Black

  • Pawns: Fill the entire second row (A2 to H2 for White and A7 to H7 for Black)

3. What is the orientation of a chess board?

The chess board should always be oriented so that each player has a white square that is closest to them on the bottom-right corner.

4. Do all chess pieces have specific colors?

Yes, in a standard chess set, pieces are typically divided into two contrasting colors, most commonly white and black. Other chess sets may use different colors, but they should still maintain a clear distinction.

5. Is there a specific way to remember the setup?

Many players use the phrase "Rooks on the corners, Knights next, Bishops beside them," followed by "Queen on her color" and "King next to the Queen" to help remember the piece arrangement.

6. Can I set up the chess board differently?

While the traditional setup is standard for official play, casual players often agree to alternate setups for fun. However, this might confuse new players or affect the game's strategy, so it's best to use the standard setup for serious games.

7. How do you reset the chess board after a game?

To reset the chess board, simply remove all pieces from the board and follow the setup instructions to arrange them back to their starting positions.

8. Where can I learn more about chess strategies and rules?

Several resources are available online including chess tutorials, instructional videos, and websites such as or the official rules on the FIDE website. Additionally, consider joining local chess clubs or online chess communities for more learning opportunities.

How to Set Up the Board | Chess

9. What if I lose a piece?

If you lose a chess piece, consider purchasing a replacement set or a single piece from a chess supplier or online retailer. Alternatively, you can find a substitute piece from another set, as long as it remains recognizable.

10. Are there digital tools to help with chess board setup?

Yes, there are several mobile apps and websites that provide virtual chess boards and setup tutorials. These tools often include features for practicing, playing against AIs, or finding local opponents.

