Yes, AP Biology is comparatively more complex than other AP courses. The 8th most difficult AP course is Biology. The difficulty level is 6.5/10, with a success rate of 69%.
But it is also the most widely taken AP course. Does this raise the alarm in your brain, and you have these questions in your mind? Biology is my favorite subject, but I wonder how hard AP Biology is.
I want to take Biology majors but find AP Bio too difficult. Is AP Biology really hard? Let me answer that for you.
Why Is AP Bio So Hard?

AP Bio mirrors an entry-level college course like any other AP course. The syllabus is vast, and the time is less. The topics covered are cellular genetics, human genetics, evolution, ecology, heredity, cell chemistry, etc. Firstly, the topics are not just at the cellular level but at the molecular level.
It means a pre-knowledge of biology is a must. Along with this, knowing basic chemistry will be of great help. You must collect data, analyze, and draw conclusions for hands-on laboratory work. All this requires a solid foundation.
So, if you have not taken Biology in high school, it will be challenging. Secondly, if you go by numbers, most colleges look for a score of 3 or 4. Moreover, getting a 5 score is rare in AP biology. Many students lose marks in FRQs(free response questions).
Writing it too elaborative or very less brings down your chances of scoring. Thirdly, it is very time-intensive. On average, you must give 7 hours of studying daily to AP biology. Higher than any other AP course. Lastly, AP Biology is harder if you rely only on self-study. The success rate of the AP Bio exam with self-study is 6.9/10 and is very fluctuating.
You should go for a Biology instructor or group study. Still, if you wish to stick to self-study, check out resources like Khan Academy, 5 Steps to 5, Cliff Notes, Princeton Review, and Bozeman Science.
1. Factors Determining
The Difficulty Level Of AP Bio

AP Biology, an advanced placement course, is a learning challenge for underprepared students. Several factors determine the difficulty level of AP Bio class.
2. The Course
You encounter difficulty levels as you go deep into the course material. For instance, some heavy concepts related to genetics require thorough understanding. Also, more so because you will use the same information to solve statistical tests and mathematical calculations related to the topic.
3. The Passing Score
The former's success rate is comparatively low if you compare the AP Bio score with other AP exam scores.
AP Score | Other AP Courses | AP Biology |
3 or 4 | 72% of students scored | 69% of students scored |
5 | 19% of students scored | 9% of students scored  Check the detailed comparison of the same on |
Check the detailed comparison of the same on Collegeboard.
4. Your Skills
If you have an existing knowledge of biology and chemistry, then it will help you to pass through the AP Biology course.
But, if these subjects are not your strong suit, AP Bio will be difficult for you. Your memorizing capacity, reasoning ability, and concept application ability will also determine your difficulty level.
What Will Help You in Doing AP Biology Course?
Remember, "You are in it to win it."
1. Don't get overwhelmed
The first step is to break the course into sections to have a stronger connection with your course material. Think of the topic as ideas, the information as keys, and not just as terminologies.
2. Memorize less
Connect more Regarding Biology, you cannot just mug up everything and appear for an exam. Biology has much more complex wiring of topics, just like the human body! So, focus on visualizing and mind-mapping a topic. It will automatically keep track of all that you need to learn. Indeed a better option than memorizing.
3. Finding the Logic

Mind mapping for topics like cellular genetics will help, but what about evolution and ecology? Well, here, logical reasoning helps. A simple example is that a wolf pack is more in number than the number of deer on an island.
Logically, it means that the wolves were the predators of the deer; hence, the number is less. It's a simple logic, but similarly, you can solve some complex questions on evolution or ecology in the AP Bio exam.
4. Inculcate The Habit of Reading
You can only master the AP Bio exam if you incorporate the habit of reading and reading more. Using a highlighter to point out facts, figures, and essential lines is the best way to adapt while reading. It is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to prepare for the exam.
5. Use your resources to prep
The Internet has a lot of study materials and learning resources. Use the topic-specific ones to get more information and make notes. You will also get some conventional methods to prep for the exam.
Live Reviews of AP biology courses on Youtube are a good resource to follow.
6. Do not Overlook Your Weaknesses
"There are no secrets to success. It results from preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." – General Colin Powell. Biology was your subject of interest. You chose to do AP Bio and found out that you lack in something. You found out your weakness and got scared thinking of the result. Finally, you decided not to continue with AP Bio.
But hang on! Did you consider working on your weakness? No, right? Do not overlook them. Instead, work a little harder, give some more time, and believe in yourself. Sooner, you will see your weaknesses led you to success!
AP Biology Myth vs. Reality
Myth | Reality |
AP Bio is only for students with good grades. | AP Bio is for all those students who are academically prepared to take a college-level course. |
AP Biology is demanding. | It is a challenging class! But when you become a part of the learner's community and get constant support from your teachers, it eases your anxieties. As a result, you become more committed to the learning process. |
AP Bio means too much prep. | Yes. There are concepts, lab procedures, a lot of reading, and class work, but it's all worth it in the end. It is more about managing the time than worrying about the time taken. |
Is AP Biology Hard?

It is undoubtedly the most asked question. It loosely depends on your reason for taking an AP course. Is it just a desire to learn during the school year, or is it for the college credits? The course is demanding, challenging, and time-consuming.
At the same time, it is very commonly taken by high school students. What makes the AP biology class the best choice? Lets us hear from some of the AP Biology alums.
1. AP Bio is fun if you like the subject
There are a lot of concepts to learn. Develop a connection between the biology and chemistry of a cell, a molecule. Find out the big ideas and the most important topics. List down the type of questions that comes to your mind. You will soon find it fun to read!
2. Be Curious and Rest
Becomes easy For every topic you come across, ask 'Why.' The habit of asking questions will tremendously impact your method of learning. You find the context of the information and visual representation and then work your way through it.
3. Practice helps
If you feel stuck somewhere, practice. If you forget something, then practice. It's far more beneficial than you can imagine. Remember that exam is not about what you remember. It's about making inferences from your knowledge. Take the help of practice tests. Put extra effort into laboratory work.
4. Learn the right way to answer
If you are not good at apt answering, you will not be able to get a high score. Focus on the immediate answer to questions in the free-response section. Avoid long explanations. Keep it crisp.
5. Involve yourself in classroom conversations
You cannot always think about AP Biology and studies. When in AP class, talk about multiple topics. Involve yourself in group discussions. Sometimes these conversations give you a new perspective for your preparation.
6. Don't Be Too Hard On Yourself
Everyone has a way of learning and opinions about the exam that differs from each other. That should not be the governing factor for you. It is of no help apart from giving you too much stress.
Find the way that you are most comfortable with. Bring the topics you hate into the list of concepts you love. Feeling stressed is okay but don't invite negative energies. If you notice, then all this comes from experience.
These AP biology students have gone through the drill. They also came across the same question- Is AP Biology hard? But they eventually understood that- You give it a priority, and the course prepares you well for the difficulties.
Trivia Time!
For Free response questions, use the focus verbs (or the high-utility words) suggested by the College Board. Some of these words are- calculate, describe, construct, identify, evaluate, and represent. Check Albert's review for more such focus verbs.
1. Recommended
To understand the scoring for AP Biology, I recommend going through at least 3 years of AP exam scoring guidelines. Refer to the 2022 guideline.

Overall, it's a choice which you will make. Choose to understand the concept above memorizing. Think about what you learn and not just mug up what you read. Refer to resources but do not overburden yourself with too much information.
Remember that AP Biology requires deep knowledge of cells, structures, lab procedures, etc. The reward you reap at the end is an opportunity to enroll for advanced college placement.
High school is challenging, and AP courses demand hard work and perseverance. Focus, be calm and be confident about what you know. Rest all will fall in place automatically!
1. Is AP Biology worth it?
Yes. Taking an AP test will boost your confidence and increase your GPA. And you very well know that your GPA directly impacts your college credits. More GPA means higher college credits.
2. Will AP Biology has a lot of mathematics?
Yes, a little bit of maths is a part of the AP Biology course. These topics generally relate to half-life calculation, Weinberg equilibrium, and per capita birth-death rate calculation. The bio-math part of the course is doable, just like basic maths.
3. What if I fail AP Biology?
Failing is not the end of the world! The AP Biology exam happens every year, and you can reappear for the exam. On the other hand, if you think it will impact your GPA, then let me tell you, it won't.
Your AP grades will not have a direct impact on your grades. So, you can reappear for the exam and send your best score during college admissions.
4. How long is the AP Biology exam?
The AP Biology exam is for 3 hours. The first 90 minutes are for multiple choice questions, and the next 80 minutes are for free-response questions with a 10-minute break in between.
5. If AP Bio is hard, why should I take it as an AP course?
Because hard work always pays! Look at it as an opportunity to shine with cred amongst your peers. Not only this, but also, AP bio does give you a chance to score big if you prepare well! I agree that much memorization, practice, and focus are involved, but that will make a strong foundation.