AP Classes Benefits: Things You Need to Know for a Bright Future

AP or Advanced Placement is a significant area in high school life that you cannot pass over even if you want to. I understand how stressful high school student life is with regular coursework, assignments, and surprise quizzes. On top of an already heavy workload, taking up AP classes may overburden you. However, you cannot… Continue reading AP Classes Benefits: Things You Need to Know for a Bright Future

How to Prepare for AP Classes? The Only Thing You Need to Know

As you transfer from middle school to high school, you hear everyone around you buzzing about Advanced Placement. Your parents, teachers, and friends are asking you about your plans to enroll in an AP class. In this blog, I will answer the questions swimming in your mind: How to prepare for AP classes? How should… Continue reading How to Prepare for AP Classes? The Only Thing You Need to Know

Categorized as High School

Life of an AP Student: Habits of a Successful Student 

Are you a freshman in high school seeking admission to Advanced Placement courses? Do you want to know what it’s like to be a successful AP student? I’ll be the first to admit that high school is not a pleasant time. Your school years are filled with both coursework and homework. Remember that you have… Continue reading Life of an AP Student: Habits of a Successful Student