What Is AP Seminar?

What Is AP Seminar?

Are you one of those determined to pursue research in college or university? Well, my friend, the AP seminar is the one for you. AP seminars are different from other AP classes.

It helps you to conduct independent research before entering college. But to choose the course, you must know in detail "what an AP seminar" is. So, be right there and learn about the course to learn whether it is worth it!

What is AP Seminar:

Definition AP seminar is a course included in the AP Capstone Program with AP research, and it is two years long. It is a foundational course for 10th or 11th grades.

The course helps students to grow critical thinking and prepare for their admittance into university. The course consists of two through-course tasks and a final written exam.

1. The course tasks contain the following:

  • An individual research report and a team multimedia presentation.

  • A separate written argument, individual multimedia presentation, and oral defence questions.

The final exam is held within two weeks of the AP test in May. The test costs around $ 140-145.

2. AP Seminar exam consists of two sections:

  1. In the first section, students must evaluate the central claim, line of reasoning, and evidence of an article the College Board gave.

  2. In the second section, students must create an argumentative essay. The duration of the exam is two hours.

What to Learn in AP Seminar?

what to learn in ap seminar
Learn in AP Seminar

The College Board has framed the curriculum of the AP seminar and calls it five big ideas. Here are elaborative descriptions of the big ideas you can learn from the course.

1. Question and Explore

What You Read The purpose of the idea is to lead learners to question and explore the provided idea. Here, they learn to spot biases present in the topic. This contextual concept ultimately enables students to formulate a research question.

2. Understand and Analyze Stimulus

One of the essential parts of the final assessment of the AP seminar is to write an argumentative essay from the given stimulus.

The big idea behind the "understand and analyse" section is to reason out the author's point of view and critically think about the matter at hand. Learners are encouraged here to avoid oversimplification and overgeneralization.

3. Evaluating Multiple Perspectives

Learners come across various interpretations while dealing with a particular text. Thus they get to know multiple perspectives. With the big idea of evaluating multiple outlooks, this section aims to prepare students for deep reading and to construct an argument.

4. Integrate Ideas

A learner learns to avoid overgeneralization and formulate a proper defensive argument. They learn to use clear reasoning and collect evidence. Additionally, learners are taught to keep their works clear of plagiarism.

5. Teamwork Here

Students learn effective ways to work in a team environment. Learners get to know the best forms of communication and presentation.

Why Should You Take AP Seminar?

It is true that not many colleges accept AP seminars. Only 100 colleges and universities prefer the AP Capstone Program, which supports AP Seminars.

In case you are wondering whether you should take the course or not, I suggest you check these benefits first. Like all other beneficial AP classes, this course has several benefits.

1. Benefits of AP Seminar

  • Learners get better exposure with the course's focus on conceptual learning and real-life materials. They do not get limited to classroom materials.

  • Students learn skills of critical thinking, analysing data, and synthesising ideas. They become experts in team play.

  • Learners evolve into better readers, writers, and scholars. AP seminar brings many opportunities for scholarships.

  • As the course prepares students for research work, they have advantages over their university peers.

2. Is AP Seminar Hard?

According to a survey,the difficulty level of AP seminars is 5 out of 10. It is moderately difficult. The course has a higher pass rate than any AP class. In 2022, 88% of the students passed, with a 3 or higher score.

Although it is considered among the easy AP classes, it is not much recommended by students. It has the lowest recommendation rate, i.e., 67%. That makes the AP seminar a pretty small class.

3. Tips to Score High in AP Seminar

Though AP seminars are not considered difficult, scoring high is not that easy in the exam. One needs to follow proper ways and perfect strategies to get a perfect score.

Here are a few tips for scoring a 3 or higher

  •  Do not fret about the huge curriculum. Always maintain a routine to stay on track.

  • Take part in group discussions. You should get involved in the debate to understand different perspectives on a specific topic.

  • Participate in programs to get an opportunity to present your knowledge. This will help you in the exam a lot.

  • Get help from experts. Clear out your doubts and find the right ways to study to score high under the guidance of a teacher.

  • Last but not least, keep calm and be focused. Do not get overwhelmed by workload.

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In the end, an AP seminar prepares you for the real-time research you should pursue in academics. You will become an expert in forming arguments, presenting your presentation to others, and critically evaluating topics.

Such benefits of the course can help you have dominance over your peers. You can also prove your prowess in the subject matter to your teacher. Therefore, if research is your forte, you must take AP Seminar as your call. So, Happy Researching!


1. Is the AP seminar worth it?

If you are interested in research and determined to pursue it, the AP seminar is the right choice for you. The course will discipline you for research, presentation, and critical thinking.

2. Is AP Seminar easy or hard?

AP seminar is not straightforwardly easy or hard. It is moderately difficult. What makes the course intolerable for students is the long course period and the rigorous labour of essay writing and formulating research work.

3. Do colleges accept AP seminars?

The College Board introduced the course in the fall of 2014. According to research, it was initially offered by 17 colleges worldwide, but now it is provided in 1100 schools, and over 100 colleges and universities accept the course.

4. What happens if you fail the AP seminar?

If you fail an AP Seminar, it impacts your GPA like other exams. It reflects on your transcript as well. However, you can reappear for the exam if you want.

5. What is the pass rate for the AP seminar?

The pass rate of AP seminars is the highest among other AP classes. Last year, 88% of students graduated with a perfect 3 or more score.

