What To Bring To AP Exam? 

What To Bring To AP Exam? 

What to bring to AP exam? It's a crucial last-minute question every student asks. And I know that the night before the AP exam is always tense for you.

You have to revise your notes, eat early and get a good night’s sleep. At such times having to worry about what supplies and other documents to bring to the exam can take a toll on your mind.

So, here I am, with a tailored list of what can you can bring and not bring to an AP exam. Read on and make a checklist and enter your AP exam room with confidence.

What to bring to AP exam?

6 Things You Must Carry There are six things you must take while entering the AP exam center. Pencils, pens, your student and identity proof are some of them. Let me explain in detail:

AP Exam Test Day Checklist

1. Pencils, pens, and other supplies

Stationery supplies like pencils and pens are essential tools to carry in the AP center. For MCQs you need pencils and for free response answers, pens.

What to Bring to AP Exam
pencil for ap exam

Remember to bring number two pencils to the exams and not mechanical ones. Sharpen your pencils and bring two erasers with them. For pens, you can either bring a black or dark blue inked pens for the AP exam.

You need pens and pencils for computerized language tests as well. It will help you jot down notes that will make your exam process easier.

2. A ruler

A ruler is essential if you are giving an AP physics exam.

It will help you to draw diagrams neatly. Apart from a ruler, you can carry a straight edge for diagrams.

Very Important Please note that other than AP physics exams, rulers aren’t allowed for any other exams. Also, you can’t use other tools for drawing in your physics test besides straight-edge and rulers.

3. Calculator

if the school allows Like rulers, calculators, too, are allowed for specific AP exams. You can carry up to 2 calculators for AP biology, AP calculus, AP physics, and AP stats; without hindrances.

what to bring to ap exam - a calculator
What to bring to ap exam - a calculator

Type of Exam

Calculators Needed

AP Biology

A basic four-square calculator with square-root

AP Calculus exams

A scientific and graphing calculator for MCQs, graphs, and the free response sections

AP physics exams

A four-functioned graphing and scientific calculators

AP statistics exams

A graphing calculator  

4. Proof of identification

Proof of identification is essential if your exam center is elsewhere than your school. Government issued proof of identification will help proctors of other schools know who you are. Thus, your school-issued photo ID will prove that you are eligible for the test.

If you don’t have school-issued identification, you can use a passport or other proof of identity. Enroll in Enthuziastic’s AP classes so that you don’t have to worry about studies the night before exam and focus on the things you need.

5. SSD Student Accommodation

Letter Students with documented disabilities can appear for the AP test with accommodation. If you fall under this category, you must carry the Student Accommodation Letter to the AP exam.

You can collect your accommodation letter from SSD directors, who will inform the proctors about your condition. Hence, once you present the letter, sitting for the AP exam wouldn't be a hassle.

Here is a list of the benefits you will receive during the AP exam if you have a documented disability

  • Braille exam format

  • ATC or Assistive Technology-compatible exam format

  • Extended breaks and time

  • Someone to dictate questions and scribe answers in the AP test room

  • Permission to use the computer for typing

  • Oral instructions are written in a copy

  • Large-block test sheets

  • Permission to use electronic and non-electronic magnifying glasses in the test room

  • Extra Time / Teasting Accommodation

6. Your school Code

You need your school code to get your results back. Therefore, remember to write the code on the cover page of your answer sheet. Your teachers will hand you the school code on your test day if you appear for the exam from your school.

If not, you will need to collect it from your school’s AP coordinator one day before your AP exam. Very Important Don’t write your host school’s code on the paper, or your answer will be sent to that school. In the case of homeschooling, you need to register your homeschool code on the answer sheet.

Don’t know where to take AP exams outside school? Now you don't have to move an inch out of your highschool to sit of AP exams.

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7. Other Things You Might Need

To Carry Watches, food, and social security numbers, apart from the 6 essentials listed here are important for your AP exam.

Although their absence wouldn’t hinder your exam, you still need them for your focus and health.


Learn how they are essential

  • A watch would help you keep track of time and focus better on the exam. You can also manage your time during the AP exam. If you don't own a watch, you can borrow it from your friends for the  exam. However, smartwatches or a watch that makes beeps and noises aren't allowed. So, a basic watch would be enough.

  • You will need your social security number for your score report, even though College Board won’t ask for it. Moreover, according to the USA government data, universities often use social security numbers to identify to assign AP credit. It's best if you write your SS number on your test sheet.

  • You need food and drinks to keep yourself charged and hydrated. Although you won’t be allowed to keep food in your testing room, you can leave them in the break room. You will receive 10 mins break, during which you can go and eat.heck out

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8. Things that are a big No-No for Exams

There is a list of things you can't carry inside your test room. They are electronic devices, reading devices, scribbling sheets, study materials, clothing with subject-related answers, and more.

No Mobile Phone
big No-No for Exams

Let's take a look and find out what are these

  • Electronic equipment like laptops, smartphones, recording devices, and cameras are not allowed. You can carry a school-owned portable listening device in the AP exam room if you have a language test. If caught, your examiner will immediately excuse you from the paper without a further exam date.

  • Books, scratch papers, study materials, highlighter, protractors, and correction fluids are not allowed in the room. If you sit for Chinese or Japanese language tests, you can use your exam booklet covers for notes. In some cases, proctors also provide scratch papers; you can use that.

  • Apart from some types, no calculator is allowed in the AP exam hall. They include QWERTY Calculator, Stylus Calculator, Bluetooth Calculator, and Electrical Calculator.

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Nothing you need for your AP exam is beyond ordinary. All you need is a bit of planning and organization; voila, you are prepared for your AP tests. I have added everything to the checklist you need for the AP exam. Now go out there and rock your exam. Best of luck!


1. Can I carry a cell phone inside my AP exam room?

No you cannot carry a cell phone inside your AP exam hall under any circumstances. Even if you take a cell phone, your proctor won't allow it inside your exam hall.

2. Can I register for AP exams even if I don't take any AP classes?

Yes, you can. However, certain AP classes, like AP calculus and AP physics, are difficult to crack without solid preparation. Hence, please prepare yourself before your exam.

3. Can I carry snacks inside my AP exam room?

You can carry snacks and drinks to your AP exam center, but you must keep them in your breakroom. You can enjoy your refreshments during your 10 mins break.

4. Will I be allowed an extra helper in my AP exam hall?

Unless you have documented disabilities, the College Board won't allow any helper in the exam hall.

5. I performed poorly in my PSAT; can I still sit for AP?

Yes, you can. Students take PSAT to earn scholarships and take AP to earn extra college credit. So, your PSAT or SAT results won't affect your AP result.

6. Do I have to carry my supplies to the AP exam?

You must carry your pencils, pens, erasers and other supplies. In the case of AP cultural or AP language exams, your proctor will provide you with extra scratch paper. Other than that, you wouldn’t receive anything else.

7. Why do I need to write my social security number on the test sheet?

You must write your social security number on your test sheet to receive your score report.

8. Can I use the internet inside my AP exam hall?

Using the internet is strictly prohibited inside the AP exam hall. Your proctor will terminate your exam if they find that you are carrying a phone.

