6 Tips to Play Piano and Sing at The Same Time

6 Tips to Play Piano and Sing at The Same Time

Do you want to sing and play the piano simultaneously? I mean, who wouldn't?

There have been pianists who became absolute legends in music, people like Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, Alicia Keys, and many more who play and sing simultaneously.

They make it seem simple; however, it needs a unique set of skills to play and sing simultaneously.

It's troublesome simply because you are operating two instruments simultaneously.

If you focus too much on the piano, you might wreck the song.  If you concentrate too much on the music, you might be off on the piano. But with the right approach, even you'll be able to do the same in due time.

Things to Keep in Mind to Play Piano and Sing Together

6 Tips for Singing an Playing

1. Correct Pitch

If you recognize the pitch of the song you are singing, you can match that with the scale on your piano.

People sing in a lower octave when playing any instrument.  This happens because the timbre of your voice is different from the timbre produced by the piano.

If you have to correct yourself, it will produce significant inconsistencies throughout the song.

2. Steady Rhythm

This is apparent; however, it needs mentioning. Any song or music is just a set of beats.

If you catch this rhythm, singing and playing the piano become much easier if you notice this rhythm. People usually risk being inaccurate at the beginning of the song and have a weak introduction to the music.

3. Synchronizing

Your singing and the chords you play on your piano won't always match. You will need to match the tempo of your song and your instrument.

4. Harmonies

Now, your singing and your piano will produce two or more notes simultaneously. It will help if you cultivate the habit of paying attention to two completely different notes in your head.

Having some basic knowledge of music theory can help you determine the keys based on melodies, enabling you to search for the proper chord for the song.

Tips to Play the Piano and Sing at the Same Time

You can play the piano and sing simultaneously by following some rules.

These are easier to begin your practice. So let's get on with the list.

1. Maintain Proper Posture

You can sit, play and practice for hours if you have a good posture. It helps you relax your entire body. You can have better control of the piano, which will, in turn, help your singing.

Much of the singing is from the diaphragm. It would be best if you sat in a way that you can practice without hurting yourself.

Let's look at some simple tips to help you maintain proper posture.

Keep your back straight and neck aligned with your back, shoulders relaxed, and arms comfortably rested on the piano.  The abdomen should be flat and firm to expand and contract naturally. Your airstream will be blocked, and nobody wants that.

You'll be out of breath quickly if you slouch. Sit straight, and your pitch will be strong.

2. Start with Something Easy

Don't go all Beethoven from the very beginning. Choose easier songs with simpler chords, simple lyrics, and within your vocal range. You need to pick songs that are within your abilities as a beginner. Some songs work well with simple chords; you won't need to practice keys initially.

If you are familiar with some other instruments, try to set the chords similarly.

Always start with the melody and set those notes in your fingers.

Line up your chords with your vocal keys. This can help you during transitions which is otherwise a challenge. There are songs like - "All of Me" by John Legend or "What A Wonderful World" By Louis Armstrong; these are good songs to start with.

3. Sing and Play Separately at First

When you start practicing, the best way to start is to learn the song first. Memorize it well. Then practice on the piano without singing. Practice to be effortless and flowing, and you can do this by practicing your set in separate pieces.

If you have played piano for a while, you know that left and right hands play separate parts.

Hum the melody while you are playing the chords.

Do this a few times until you get natural at it, and it becomes second nature. While playing and humming, start adding a word or two afterward to get into the habit of singing and playing simultaneously.

This is one reason that makes learning to play the piano and sing simultaneously a challenge.

4. Stay Relaxed and Light when Playing

Start playing with light fingers while you are singing. You can hum while you are playing on the piano.

Keep your wrist relaxed and flexible.

You are tightening your arms and shoulders while singing will make a more tense sound. Relaxed hands and arms will also help in playing piano smoothly. It helps build the habit of singing and playing if you do it enough as a beginner.

Would you like to know more about this?

How to Place Your Hands on a Piano: Beginner's Guide
How to Place Your Hands on a Piano: Beginner's Guide
Beginner’s Guide to find out.

5. Do Extensive Ear Training

Ear training is vital to singing and playing simultaneously. It helps with Audiation - hearing melodies in your head. To become a more confident musician, you need to listen to melodies inside your head.

Try to develop a relative pitch over the absolute pitch, i.e., comfortable notes for your voice. Sit at your piano with your eyes closed. Sing along with the melody in your head.

Practice this until you can do it effortlessly.

6. Practice to Progress

Practice to Progress

These tips will only work if you put them into practice.

Playing and singing simultaneously need seriously dedicated practice over a very long time. It would be wrong to assume how long it will take you. Everybody has a different skill level.

Practice at a time that you are comfortable. As mentioned earlier, don't choose something intricate right out of the gate. Because it's more important to progress than to attain perfection.

Consider practicing piano at home or taking online courses from experts.

To learn more on this topic, checkout this video.

How to Sing and Play Piano

Some Bonuses to Speed up Your Progress

1. Use a Metronome


One of the most straightforward tools for any musician is a metronome. It produces a steady pulse that can assist you in improving your tempo arrangements and rhythm.

You can speed up or diminish the tempo to fit your desire. It's measured in beats per minute (BPM)

Research has shown that operating with a metronome facilitates learning songs and instruments. The consistent pace puts a little time pressure on you, forcing you to think ahead.

2. Choose Songs in Your Vocal Range

If you choose a song outside your vocal range, it's going to be tough for you. It might cause some demotivation, so don't start with something intricate.

Take things slow and begin with songs that fit your voice and tone.

3. Try to be More Active in Your Practice

You do need some effective multitasking skills to play and sing simultaneously.

Start being a lot more conscious and targeted when you practice.

If you attempt to sing and play simultaneously without being focused, you'll find yourself not learning anything.

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Singing and playing the piano is not easy skill to have. It is a rewarding talent that may assist you open doors to a wide range of genres and music types in the long run. It requires extreme multitasking.

Train so well that you can command your hands and voice simultaneously. It is easy to lose focus, so develop intense focus through practice. Don't forget to be light on your fingers.

Now get out there and start practicing to become a legend yourself.


1) Is it a challenge to play and sing at the same time?

The piano is relatively easier to learn when compared to something like a guitar. Even for a veteran artist, learning to play and sing simultaneously is a challenging experience. It takes loads of skill and multitasking to get there.

2) What do you play on the piano when you are singing?

You play octaves on the left hand and chords on the right hand. But beginners ought, to begin with, chords; it is much easier. You can also take online courses from experts to ease your journey. Sing along while you play, give yourself the starting note of the melody and see if you can run with it.

3) Which is the most accessible genre to start playing on the piano?

This is a tricky and debatable question. No genre of music is as robust or as simple as it seems. Only experience can tell that. But Pop is a popular genre for beginners who want to sing and play simultaneously.

4) Where should I look, the hands or the music?

In the beginning, you ought to consider looking at the piano while you are singing. You should be familiar with your piano.

In later stages, you'll be able to focus on the music and use your ears to listen to it if you are hitting the right note.


