Global People to People Live Learning Network. Learn and Teach anything under the Sun!

How to Mute Guitar Strings and Stop Unwanted Sound?

How to Mute Guitar Strings and Stop Unwanted Sound?…

How to Mute Guitar Strings and Stop Unwanted Sound?

How to do Harmonics on Guitar?

How to do Harmonics on Guitar?…

How to do Harmonics on Guitar?

Chess Endgame Theory: All You Need to Know

Master chess endgame theory with key strategies and techniques to secure victory in the final stage of the game.…

Chess Endgame Theory: All You Need to Know

How Much Do Chess Players Make in 2022? You'll be SHOCKED

You wouldn't think of chess as a career that pays your bills, but Chess went from being just an old game with a rich history to a serious, hard-core career choice in the late 1800s.…

How Much Do Chess Players Make in 2022? You'll be SHOCKED

Can You Castle Out of Check?

Learn the rules of castling in chess and discover why you cannot castle out of check. This blog explains the conditions for castling and clarifies common misconceptions.…

Can You Castle Out of Check?

Why does my Guitar Buzz?

Why does my Guitar Buzz?…

Why does my Guitar Buzz?

How to Read Guitar Chord Charts With Pictures

How to Read Guitar Chord Charts With Pictures…

How to Read Guitar Chord Charts With Pictures

What is the Fret on a Guitar and How is it Used?

What is the Fret on a Guitar and How is it Used?…

What is the Fret on a Guitar and How is it Used?

Dutch Defense: Chess Opening Strategy

Explore the Dutch Defense, a bold chess opening strategy for Black. Learn key moves and ideas to challenge 1.d4, aiming for a strong, dynamic position right from the start.…

Dutch Defense: Chess Opening Strategy

13 Hardest Songs to Play on Piano

13 Hardest Songs to Play on Piano…

13 Hardest Songs to Play on Piano